Cora Z7 3: Hello Cora – Software

Launch the Vivado SDK either from a terminal or the launcher. Select the location for your project workspace.

Click OK.

In the “Welcome” tab click on “Create Application Project“.

In the new project dialog click “New” so that you can select the target hardware to be that which you created in the previous post.

This dialog is used to create a new hardware project with hardware description file that was built in the previous post. Browse to the directory where you built the hardware description in the previous post and select the hardware description file. A default project name will appear in the “Project name:” entry. It can be edited. I left the default. The project location can also be changed if the “Use default location” box is unchecked. Again , I left the default. Click “Finish“.

Give the project a name. Select the language and note that a new board support package will be created. Click “Next”.

Select the “Hello World” template and click “Finish“.

In the “Project Explorer” tab you will see the “Hello-Cora” ‘C’ software project. The board support package (bsp) and the hardware platform project. Expand the sub-directories of these project to see there contents. Open the “helloworld.c” file by double-clicking it. Edit the printed message as you like.

Plug the Cora Z7 board into the a USB port on your computer. In Linux you can check which port is assigned to the Cora Z7 board by inspecting the contents of the /dev directory before and after the Cora board is connected. For example the following command in a terminal

ls -al /dev/ttyUSB*

before and after board is connected gives

The Cora board is connected to /dev/ttyUSB2. In the “SDK Terminal ” tab in the bottom centre panel click the “+” button to connect the serial port.

Make the settings 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit an d no parity.

Right click on the “Hello Cora” project in the “Project Explorer“. Select “Run As -> Launch on Hardware (System Debugger)” Progress will be updated in the “SDK Log” panel. The program will load and run. The output is displayed in the “SDK Terminal” tab.

Be patient it can take a while to load the debugger and run the application. If you prefer you can use a terminal program outside the SDK. GtkTerm works fine. Just connect to the same port and use the same port configurations.